
Performance (selective list: piano in USA, Korea & Hawaii; Asian instruments mostly in Hawaii (except for numerous lecture-demonstrations)
Piano: soloist w/ orchestras; recitals (solo, duo-piano, ensembles, accompanist) 1945-62
Koto: soloist w/ orchestra in a transcription of Miyagi Michio’s setting of Yatsuhashi Kengyo’s Midare, 1959; guest artist w/ Martin Denny for Hypnotique (1958 LibertyRecords LP, 1997 CD, SCP 9714); solos & ensembles (of kotos, and/or w/ shakuhachi & shamisen, and in gagaku [Japanese court music] 1956-1982
Changgo: drummer for Halla Huhm and her students of Korean dance (occasionally) 1953 thru1960s; for solo recital of traditional Korean folk songs 1960
Taiko: member of circle of drummers for many bon dances 1959-1980s
Cheng: in orchestra for world premiere of Alan Hovhaness’ Wind Drum 1962
Kayageum: in orchestra for world premiere of Lou Harrison’s Pacifika Rondo 1963
Kubing [Filipino bamboo jew’s harp]: in orchestra for world premiere of Lucretia Kasilag’s The Legend of The Sarimanok (with solo kubing cadenza)1963